TEXT PrEP ME TO 216-714-2223
What is Pop It To Block It about?
Pop It To Block It is a joint initiative by MetroHealth and University Hospital to spread the news about our PrEP Clinics and PrEP Navigators.
What is PrEP?
PrEP is medicine people can take to prevent getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. When you take it as prescribed, it reduces your chances of catching HIV by 99%.
What is a PrEP Navigator?
A PrEP Navigator helps you get into PrEP care, access to medical and pharmacy teams, and helps find you financial assistance so you can get PrEP for Free (or for really cheap.)
PrEP Navigator
at MetroHealth
Email AKeem
PrEP & Trans Care Navigator
Office # 216-77-TRANS (778-7267)
Email Sahara
Learn More About PrEP
My Proudest Moment as a PrEP Navigator
Becoming a PrEP Navigator in itself was a proud moment for me. Learning about HIV and the challenges that can come with a positive status, the effects of HIV on the African American community, and how to prevent the spread of HIV has always been fascinating to me....
Sex and Hookups in the Age of COVID-19
So, you've been in isolation for about 50-leven days and umpteen hours, and your inner freak has had it. It is now swinging in the cage you have built for it, and you find yourself unconsciously humping pillows or streaming Netflix and imagining all the characters of...
Akeem’s proudest moment as a PrEP Navigator
When I think about PrEP and prevention, and my work as a sexual health educator and navigator, I almost always time travel back to my high school days. The bulk of my educating has been with teens and close-to-teenage people. Young people get a bad rap, mostly because...
You can also connect
with a PrEP Health Navigator
in your area at OHIV.ORG