TEXT PrEP ME TO 216-714-2223
What is Pop It To Block It about?
Pop It To Block It is a joint initiative by MetroHealth and University Hospital to spread the news about our PrEP Clinics and PrEP Navigators.
What is PrEP?
PrEP is medicine people can take to prevent getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. When you take it as prescribed, it reduces your chances of catching HIV by 99%.
What is a PrEP Navigator?
A PrEP Navigator helps you get into PrEP care, access to medical and pharmacy teams, and helps find you financial assistance so you can get PrEP for Free (or for really cheap.)
PrEP Navigator
at MetroHealth
Email AKeem
PrEP & Trans Care Navigator
Office # 216-77-TRANS (778-7267)
Email Sahara
Learn More About PrEP
Let’s Talk About Sex…ual Health for Older Adults
FACT: 1 in 5 people over 65 have BETTER sex lives than before (COMHS)?NEWSFLASH? People of all ages like to get it on! You typically won’t see Hollywood or advertisers selling sex between older adults outside of an erectile dysfunction ad but that doesn’t mean older...
How do I access PrEP when I go to college?
School is about to be back in session, and while some people are counting down the days, others have their hesitations. Whether you’re already on PrEP, or thinking about starting, this transitional time can raise some questions for you. If you’re already on PrEP,...
Can I take PrEP while on birth control?
You’ve probably heard before that PrEP is like the birth control pill but for HIV. And, well, that’s a pretty accurate description. This leaves some folks wondering, though, if they can take both. And simply put, yes!Does PrEP interfere with birth control?Most forms...
You can also connect
with a PrEP Health Navigator
in your area at OHIV.ORG