Do I need to take PrEP if I’m straight?

Do I need to take PrEP if I’m straight?

Do I need to take PrEP if I’m straight? Let’s get one thing straight here—little miss HIV doesn’t discriminate. She doesn’t care if you’re black, white, man, woman, straight, or LGBTQ+. In fact, according to, 24% of new HIV diagnoses were among heterosexuals...
Ways to cope with hurtful questions about PrEP

Ways to cope with hurtful questions about PrEP

Ways to cope with hurtful questions about PrEP When people hear that you’re taking PrEP, they might ask some pretty offensive and hurtful questions. They might mean well and be genuinely curious… but it gets pretty annoying pretty fast, can be embarrassing, and...
How to talk to your partner about starting PrEP

How to talk to your partner about starting PrEP

How to talk to your partner about starting PrEP By this point, you may have heard about PrEP and its history shifting implications. The highly effective drug that truly prevents HIV infection from happening in a negative person. You may be interested in taking it, or...